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  1. Panda熊猫
  2. Butterfly蝴蝶
    发现网页: Butterflies Index: Insects of the Bible
  3. 蜂鸟
    发现网页: Birds of the Bible
  4. Monkey and a Kid Explorer猴子和一名孩子勘探者
    发现功能页: 听猴子说
  5. Lion and lamb狮子与羔羊
    发现网页: What will the biblical Millennium be like? 圣经中的狮子 羔羊 Sheep 听: 狮子
  6. Chameleon变色龙
  7. Camel骆驼
    发现功能页: 骆驼在圣经中
  8. Toucan巨嘴鸟
    • 网络着色打印输出版本
    发现功能页: 听一个巨嘴鸟
  9. Cow
    发现功能页: 牛在圣经中
  10. Parrots鹦鹉
    发现功能页: 听鹦鹉
  11. Ants—What can an ant teach me about life?蚂蚁—有什么可以蚂蚁教我的生活吗?
    发现网页: 蚂蚁课 令人难以置信的雨林昆虫 圣经中的蚂蚁
  12. Autumn leaves叶秋
    发现网页: Why do leaves change color in the fall? What causes the seasons? Index: 圣经中的植物
  13. Bear with honey
  14. Penguins企鹅
  15. Swan天鹅
  16. Frogs and fish青蛙和鱼
    发现网页: Has it ever rained frogs or fish or any other strange things? Frogs in the Bible Fish Listen: Frogs
  17. Tarsier眼镜猴
    发现功能页: What has the biggest eyes of any land mammal?
  18. God made the world, it's plain to see.上帝创造了世界.
    发现网页: Teaching notes


  1. The Behemoth (a dinosaur in the Bible)巨兽(圣经中的恐龙)
    发现网页: Behemoth in the Bible Job 40 Questions and Answers about dinosaurs The Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Bible On-line
  2. Dinosaur Eggs恐龙蛋
    发现网页: What are fossils? What kinds of dinosaur fossils have been found? FAQs about dinosaurs
  3. The Ark: Two by Two方舟:两两
    发现网页: Did Noah take dinosaurs on the Ark? Could Noah’s Ark really hold all the animals that were supposed to be preserved from Flood? Genesis 7:9 Deluge Noah Ark FAQs about dinosaurs
  4. Dinosaurs: Ferocious or Friendly?恐龙:凶猛或者友好?
    发现网页: What was life with dinosaurs like, at first? FAQs about dinosaurs
  5. The Triceratops三角龙
    发现网页: What were the ceratopians really like? FAQs about dinosaurs
  6. Dragon Slayer龙杀手
    发现网页: Is there any possible connection between dragons and dinosaurs? FAQs about dinosaurs
  7. “D” is for Dinosaur“D” 是恐龙
    发现网页: Where did the dinosaurs come from? Why did God create dinosaurs? Are dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? The Great Dinosaur Mystery On-line FAQs about dinosaurs
  8. God made the world, it's plain to see.上帝创造了世界。
    发现网页: Teaching notes
  9. But did He make dinosaurs, and if so, when?上帝让恐龙?
    发现网页: Where did the dinosaurs come from? Why did God create dinosaurs? Are dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? The Great Dinosaur Mystery On-line What was life with dinosaurs like, at first? Teaching notes FAQs about dinosaurs
  10. The Bible has the answer, God's Word is true. 圣经有答案,神的话语是真实的。
    发现网页: Teaching notes Are dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible? The Great Dinosaur Mystery On-line How do we know the Bible is true? FAQs about dinosaurs
  11. Were you there?我们将学习历史的真相。
    发现网页: Teaching notes How is it possible for reasonable, intelligent, well-educated people to hold such diametrically opposite views as Evolutionism and Creationism? What do you do when your teacher is an evolutionist, and you’re not? Creation SuperLibrary



  1. Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden亚当和夏娃在伊甸园中
    发现网页: Creation story Adam Eve Eden Has the Garden of Eden ever been found? The fall of man Illustrated, summary story of the Garden of Eden Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
  2. “A” is for Adam“A” 是亚当
    发现网页: “A” is for Adam What was Adam, the first man, like?
  3. “B” is for Bible“B” 是圣经
    发现网页: Take a look at the world’s most amazing book About the Bible More about the Bible
  4. “C” is for Creatures“C” 是生物
    发现功能页: Animals in the Bible
  5. The Fall堕落
    发现网页: Story Fall of man
  6. Exile from the Garden of Eden从伊甸园里流放出去
    发现网页: The Fall of Humankind (“God’s Story”) Fall of Man
  7. The Flood洪水
    发现网页: Story How many people survived the greatest disaster of all times? Why did God send the Flood? Are dinosaur fossils evidence for the great Flood? Index of FAQs about this biblical catastrophe
  8. Abraham and Isaac亚伯拉罕和以萨
    发现网页: Story Abraham Isaac
  9. Moses and the Burning Bush摩西和燃烧的荆棘
    发现网页: Story: The man who wanted to see God Moses in the Bible Miracles in the Bible
  10. Moses and the Ten Commandments摩西和十诫
    发现网页: Handout Story Lesson For teachers Article
  11. Fiery Furnace—Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego火热的火炉 : 沙得拉, 米煞 和 亚伯尼歌
    发现网页: Shadrach Abednego Meshach
  12. Safe in the fiery furnace—Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego在火中安然无恙
    发现网页: Miracles in the Bible Shadrach Abednego Meshach
  13. Safe in the fiery furnace—Daniel in the Lion's Den在狮子穴中的但以理
    发现功能页: Daniel in the Bible Lions Babylon Idolatry Miracles in the Bible
  14. The Angel Gabriel and Mary天使加百列和玛莉亚
    发现网页: Luke 1:31 Angels in the Bible Gabriel Mary What does the Bible teach about angels? The name Jesus The name Christ Messiah Messianic Prophecies How do we know that Jesus was the Messiah? Jesus greatly humbled himself for us Birth of Christ Who is Jesus? Christ’s Life, Death and Resurrection
  15. Joseph, Mary, and Baby Jesus约瑟、玛莉亚和小耶稣
    发现网页: Myths about the Christmas story Jesus Mary Joseph
  16. Jesus Talking with Nicodemus耶稣和尼哥底母对话
    发现网页: John 3:16 Nicodemus in the Bible Is Jesus Christ the answer?
  17. Jesus Healing a Lame Man耶稣治愈一个跛脚男人
    发现网页: Miracles in the Bible About Jesus Christ (FAQ index)
  18. Boy at Cross在十字架旁的男孩
    发现网页: If Jesus is God, how could he die? If Jesus died on the cross, then how can he be alive today? What does God want us to do? Salvation 赎回 Jesus greatly humbled himself for us Birth of Christ Christ’s Life, Death and Resurrection Effection Evangelism
  19. Jesus Rose from the Dead从死里复活的耶稣
    发现网页: If Jesus is God, how could he die? If Jesus died on the cross, then how can he be alive today? FAQs about Christ’s resurrection
  20. Thomas Declaring Jesus as His Lord多马认耶稣为主
    发现网页: Thomas If Jesus is God, how could he die? If Jesus died on the cross, then how can he be alive today? FAQs about Christ’s resurrection 圣经中的奇迹 耶稣基督是一个人,还是他是上帝? 关于耶稣基督
  21. Jesus' Return to Earth耶稣返回地球
    发现网页: What will the biblical Millennium be like? 上帝的王国关于耶稣基督
  22. Space天空
    发现网页: Psalm 19:1 已知有多少颗恒星存在? 每个明星都不同吗?
  23. Adam and Eve's Choice亚当和夏娃的选择
    发现网页: Story of the fall of man Fall of man Sin
  24. Noah's BIG Ark诺亚方舟大
    打印输出版本: 高分辨率 .pdf 低分辨率
    发现功能页: Could Noah’s Ark really hold all the animals that were supposed to be preserved from Flood? Dinosaurs - Did Noah take them on the Ark too?
  25. The Rainbow彩虹
    发现网页: Genesis 9:13, 15 Rainbow in the Bible How many people survived the greatest disaster of all times? What causes a rainbow?
  26. Crossing the Red Sea红海穿越
    发现网页: Miracles in the Bible Red Sea in the Bible
  27. Jonah and the Great Fish约拿和大鱼
    发现网页: Jonah in the Bible How could Jonah survive three days in the belly of a “whale”? Miracles in the Bible
  28. David and Goliath大卫和歌利亚
    发现网页: Sling Goliath David Fear, anxiety and worry—What does the Bible say?
  29. An Angel With Shepherds天使与牧羊人
    打印输出版本: 高分辨率 .pdf 低分辨率
    发现功能页: Luke 2:10-11 Angels Shepherds in the Bible
  30. Mary and Baby Jesus玛丽和婴儿耶稣
    打印输出版本s: 高分辨率 .pdf 低分辨率
    发现网页: Luke 2:15-16 Birth of Christ Jesus Mary
  31. Baby Jesus婴儿耶稣
    打印输出版本s: 高分辨率 .pdf 低分辨率
    发现网页: Luke 2:12 Birth of Christ The name Jesus The name Christ Messiah Messianic Prophecies How do we know that Jesus was the Messiah? Jesus greatly humbled himself for us Who is Jesus? Christ’s Life, Death and Resurrection
  32. Animals with Baby Jesus婴儿耶稣与动物
    发现网页: Luke 2:7 Was Jesus born in a stable?
  33. The Wisemen Worshipping Jesus智者崇拜耶稣
    打印输出版本s: 高分辨率 .pdf 低分辨率
    发现功能页: Matthew 2:11 Wisemen in the Bible Is Jesus Christ a man, or is he God
  34. Jesus in the Temple耶稣在圣殿
    打印输出版本s: 高分辨率 .pdf 低分辨率
    发现功能页: Luke 2:46 Herod’s Temple in the Bible
  35. Jesus being Baptized耶稣受洗
    打印输出版本s: 高分辨率 .pdf 低分辨率
    发现网页: Matthew 3:16-17 Is Jesus Christ a man, or is he God John the Baptist Holy Ghost
  36. Jesus Loves Children耶稣爱孩子
  37. Palm Sunday棕榈周日
    发现网页: 耶路撒冷 弥赛亚 弥赛亚预言 我们怎么知道耶稣是弥赛亚? 耶稣为我们大大谦卑 关于耶稣基督
  38. Jesus on the Cross十字架上的耶稣
    打印输出版本s: 高分辨率 .pdf 低分辨率
    发现网页: John 3:16 耶稣基督是一个人,还是他的上帝 赎回 耶稣基督是答案吗? 关于耶稣基督 Crucifixion 耶稣基督是怎么死的?
  39. Valentine to Jesus爱耶稣
    打印输出版本: 高分辨率 .pdf 低分辨率
  40. Showing Love表达爱意
    打印输出版本: 高分辨率 .pdf 低分辨率
    发现网页: Galatians 5:14 What does God want us to do? Goodness Goodness of God
  41. Christmas Caroling圣诞报佳音
    发现网页: Colossians 3:16 Christmas Carols

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